Adobe?Flash?Player 無法安裝
如需疑難排解提示,請參閱http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_19166_tw |
1. 在 Microsoft Download Center 下載SubInACL.
2. 雙擊安裝 SubInACL.
3. 在 Adobe 下載 reset_minimal.zip.
4. 解壓縮 reset_minimal.cmd 到 C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\ 目錄下.
5. 請確認 subinacl.exe 與 reset_minimal.cmd 皆在 C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\ 目錄之下.
6. 雙擊開啟 reset_minimal.cmd. 指令窗將會開啟並運行SubInACL.
7. SubInACL運行時請勿使用其他程式.
8. 運行完結時將會看到 "Press any key to continue".
9. 重新安裝 Flash Player:http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer .
Download SubInACL from Microsoft to fix permission issues that prevent the Flash Player installationISSUEFlash Player may fail to install due to incorrect permissions in the registry. Before you download the Microsoft tool and follow these instructions, first read this TechNote "Troubleshoot Adobe Flash Player installation for Windows" (TechNotetn_19166). Additionally, if you don't have administrator access, then you may not be able to install Flash Player successfully. Permissions can be tricky but, in general, you should be able to install and use Adobe Flash Player if your system administrator gives you full access. Windows administrators should be familiar with "Registry permissions required for Flash Player install or update" (TechNote tn_19148). REASONFlash Player and other programs may fail to install if there are incorrect permissions in the registry or if there are missing ACLs for the Administrators group or for the built-in System account. The Windows Installer service runs with System account permissions. The installation will fail if the System account does not have sufficient permissions to access the file system or parts of the registry. SOLUTION Using the SubInAcL tool from Microsoft to fix permission issues in the registry has solved installation errors for several products including Flash Player. Warning! The following solution involves the Windows System Registry. Editing or manipulating the registry incorrectly can result in serious system damage which may require reinstallation of the operating system. If you are not comfortable editing the registry, then take your system to a professional. If you choose to proceed, then it is essential that you create a complete system backup and a Windows System Restore Point before proceeding. Adobe Systems cannot be held responsible for damage resulting from this information. You must have administrator privileges to successfully complete these instructions.